felipe camiroaga fernandez

Felipe Humberto Camiroaga Fernández (Santiago de Chile, October 8, 1966) is a popular Chilean TV host, family, and nicknamed "The Hawk Chicureo" for having a pet falcon and a residence in that area of the Capital Chile. Currently conducts programs Good Morning to All, nocturnal animals and Platoon.
Biography. Camiroaga Philip was born on October 8, 1966 in Santiago, Chile. Son of Maria de la Luz Fernandez. He did his basic studies at the Colegio San Ignacio del Bosque and Secondary School in Marshall. University has conducted studies of television production and direction. The television career began in 1989 at the Universidad de Chile Television, RTU and current Chilevisión later, encouraging Videotop in 1990 with Katherine Young Extra Salosny and Claudia keeps.
In 1992 he joined in TVN program good morning to all, along with Tatty Penna, being the first animators of this morning programme. In 1993 he appeared in the TV series "Checkmate", in 1994 returned to act in "Red and honey" where not fuen well evaluated by managers of the dramatic area of TVN.
Then leads "The great bet", "The dip", "mutiny on board,"with you in summer","Pass that pass"which unveiled his character Washington, in 1998 on the occasion of the world's France 1998, leads"Night of the world", instance where unveiled a new"Luciano Bello"character." In 2002 "With love", "Great surprise" and "Gothic city".
In 2006 he returned with a star called "Animal Nocturno" and currently received reality "Platoon" in 2007-2008. It is one of the most important and beloved of the Chilean television faces. Recently he was chosen as best Chilean animator by the newspaper the fourth with its 2007 Gold Copihue award.
Private life.
His private life has been well known, the number of brides who had, as Bárbara Rebolledo, Karen Doggenweiler, Krihsna Navas, peace Bascuñán, Lucero, Katherine Salosny, among others. In 2006, sufré the loss of his mother. Months later, in Animal Nocturno, made an interview with his mediohermana in Spain.
In 2007, a woman poses as his girlfriend and said that she was the wife of Felipe and that she was angry with him, because her had not visited [1]. According to faces of the channel, women would come every day to visit him.

We send our condolences to the families of all these people working for the challenge Lift Chile, an initiative created by Felipe Cubillos after the earthquake of February 2010

Felipe Camiroaga is co-host of the TV program Chiean Good Morning to All ("Good Morning to All"). He was born on October 8, 1966 in Santiago.
Never Look Back

In the least expected moment, when all the silent faces in full presidential campaign, Philip Camiroaga, perhaps the most politically correct of animators Chileans, wet El Potito. The host of "Good morning to all" and "Animal Night" had been declared last year Bachelet Caras magazine. But, of course, advocating an agent with over 75% approval rating has little daring. Quite the contrary. In that same interview said he supported the Conertación but, again, to issue such a trial when there are no upcoming elections and candidates in sight, can not be considered an act of gallantry.
Camiroaga, whom his fellow morning even bother with the classic "Never Look Back" - decided to open his mouth and express public support for the candidacy of Eduardo Frei. He did, of course, Radio Cooperativa, the station of the DC and Rovaretti interview with Cecilia, who returned his hand after his visit to "Animal Night" a couple of Sundays. The political coming-out from the face of a public channel and a multi-shop is something we all should applaud, and if we Taliban, require a certain way. Especially when coming from a man who never wants to look bad and Stefan Kramer who imitate this Sunday using crutches like "hey, how delicious to see you" or "I'm so happy to interview you."
Is it really brave what he did Camiroaga? Yes Will it be criticized on Sunday after interviewing for Bachelet's own star? Of course. Is this the beginning of a series of confessions by political television faces? I wish. But the really interesting thing now will know what to say Bowen and Narvaez, who three weeks ago Karen Doggenweiler criticized and noted that state television was "reviewing the situation."
Felipe Camiroaga Accident Plane: September 2, 2011

An aircraft of the Air Force of Chile (FACH) in the touring team lost contact with ground TVN this afternoon at Juan Fernandez, which would be the animator Felipe Camiroaga. The fact struck a light transport aircraft CASA of the air force with 18 passengers and three crew members. The plane was the last radio contact at 16:51. Three minutes before has a radio and visual contact with the device. After that the alert was activated search because the ship is still missing. Mayor John Fernandez, Leopoldo Gonzalez, conditions were difficult in the area, with strong winds.
The mayor said this afternoon that Navy personnel have found debris on the sea, but are trying to confirm whether the device are lost. It is confirmed that a team's television program "Good Morning to All" TVN was in the stricken aircraft, who include Philip Camiroaga animator, Robert Bruce, a cameraman and producer, which are officially missing. The passengers of the ship involved in an activity related to the reconstruction of the island after the earthquake of 27 / F undertaken by the campaign "Lift Chile Challenge," led by businessman Felipe Cubillos.
Prominent animator dies / Felipe Camiroaga
This Saturday September 3 at 21:06 am confirmed after an extensive search, the death of Philip animator Camiroaga 44 years. After Amaro Gomez Pablos office indicating the instant death of the 21 passengers hit the plane at sea. including journalist Robert Bruce TVN people in government and the department of culture and arts.
Not yet confirmed the appearance of the body of the animator. On Friday evening, September 2, fills us with immense trouble, the news from John F ernández the island, a plane with 21 people Fach, falls into the sea. Among them the entertainer Philip Camiroaga and other members of Team program at Good morning to all of TVN. People do vigil outside the channel, hoping that 21 people are alive, but fate has taught us otherwise.
Some online newspapers and paper anticipated the news, it being killed since Friday to Philip and Robert Bruce, causing trouble to people. Felipe Camiroaga remain in the minds of all your family, friends, colleagues and spectators who daily gave them your love through the audience at the morning high of TVN. A man spontaneous, fun and a lot of heart leaves a day like today. Condolences to the family of the 21 crew, TVN Chile and all that every day I enjoy Felipe, Roberto and the work of other journalists.

WHO WAS Felipe Camiroaga?

As reported in local media and the famous online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, Camiroaga Felipe Humberto Fernandez was born in October 1966. He participated in many programs of the National Television of Chile. Among these, stands the morning Good morning to all and at night, nocturnal animals. The popular driver also dabbled in local soap operas and Red Checkmate and honey. It is the visible face of the International Song Festival of Viña del Mar. He led editions of the famous event in 2009 and 2010. In Chile nicknamed him the title of "The Hawk Chicureo" for engaging in raising such animals and their residence in this rural area north of Santiago.
Cecilia Bolocco improvement activities the disappearance of Philip Camiroaga
Former Miss Universe Cecilia Bolocco, could not stand the crying and her voice breaking held talks with the team of Chilean Morning Good Morning to All, which lamented the early disappearance of his friend Felipe Camiroaga. "I've been lucky enough to have met Philip and Roberto, and Rodrigo often made cameraman, and I think that is strong I can not embrace again, neither smiling nor can share moments as they once did," cheerleader said with regret. Bolocco revealed today during a telephone conversation with the team of Good Morning to All its profound sadness at what happened with the Chilean animator "I come landing, tired, excited, her eyes swollen from quite a distance mourn, not to be Here, you can not embrace Felipe, you can not kiss (...)"
Despite the tears, the former Miss Universe advantage in providing stirring words in memory of his friend Felipe Camiroaga "A lot of strength, just want to say that Philip will not be with us physically, but he, with his work, his dedication, his kindness , his generosity, his frank manner of looking at life with the strengths we always had to face tough times to put his life, always kept smiling and certainly taught us to smile, to bless the life, thank her deeply and I think that we have to stay .. " said. (With information from lanacion.cl)
Felipe Camiroaga parading in JASZ

Check the gallery and the video TVN.cl Labels: Felipe was in our local Providence making a note of fashionable men's underwear.
Felipe said Camiroaga victim of black magic before his death

The disappearance of Felipe Camiroaga animator in the plane crash in the Juan Fernandez archipelago mourned throughout Chile. However, it has attracted attention before his death he confessed in his program was a victim of black magic. According to information from the Fourth of Chile, during one of the broadcasts of "Good Morning to All", the driver held a conversation about curses and angels with the expert Hugo Zepeda. In the interview, Zepeda said that black magic was involved at all and not only those who believed in it, so the animator said, "Teacher, I know I was a victim of black magic." Given this assertion, the specialist in the subject responded that "they have a guardian angel that protects them, not be exposed to evil."
It is worth mentioning that in February this year spent days Camiroaga Felipe difficult since their house burned completely, losing everything. While initially there was speculation that the cause of the accident would have been an electrical overload, then came a version stating that the fire was intentional. Fact or eerie coincidence? Draw your own conclusions. The only thing we can say is that Felipe was a communicator Camiroaga well known, respected and loved not only in Chile but in other parts of the world. Therefore, we expect that - after confirmation that no survivors after the crash, and quickly find their remains to rest in peace.
Felipe Camiroaga, Javiera Contador and Pancho Melo campaign "What will the planet do you do it to you."
Francisco Melo SANTIAGO, Chile - Greenpeace Chile released in public his campaign "what will you do to the planet, so you get to you" which seeks to sensitize the citizenship through the faces of Felipe Camiroaga, Pancho Melo and Javiera counter devastated by the effects of climate change.
"Climate change is the greatest environmental threat facing humanity" says Greenpeace Chile. For this reason, the environmental organization in our country works to achieve an energy model clean and sustainable, and advocates a [R] evolution energy capable of reducing CO2 emissions in order to avoid that the temperature of the planet will increase by 2 ° celsius, causing a dangerous climate change on the planet.
To bring this message to the public Greenpeace Chile launched its "What you do to the planet, you do it yourself" which brings together volunteers known as Philip Camiroaga, Pancho Melo and Javiera Contador. Thus we see Pancho Melo streets with half his face burned representing wildfires still occur if global temperatures rise due to climate change. On this campaign the actor stressed that "people need to understand that what makes the planet does it to itself, is the current challenge of Greenpeace Chile. I have spent years as a partner and contributor to the organization in our country and I know that the participation of each one of us is vital for achieving its objectives as was the case of the whales that we now have a law that protects them. Link and work together is the only way we will join efforts to leave a habitable planet for our children. "
Meanwhile Javiera Contador who illustrates the effect of melting explains, "We need to stop Climate Change. Therefore, the cause of Greenpeace Chile demands urgent support as soon as possible and with the participation of all. " Rodrigo Herrera, Executive Director of Greenpeace Chile explains that "People are bringing about changes in climate with disastrous results: extreme weather such as droughts, floods, disruption of water supplies, thaws the polar regions and Sea level rise and many others. To reverse this situation, we gradually begin to incorporate sustainable energy solutions clean and phase out fossil fuels. " Andrés Benavente, Creative Director of S & B Partners, the agency that made the campaign pointed out that the idea of the concept "what you do to the planet, you do it to you," aims to sensitize everyone to understand
Camiroaga: The weapon of Frei?. Interview with d. Camiroaga

Camiroaga Felipe (43) still does not resolve how they will participate in the presidential campaign of Eduardo Frei, however, seems to be very involved in the events of this election. The first thing I said when installed in the modern and quiet living room of his apartment in Golf is that television has just learned that Sebastian Pinera will have to declare in the case of Banco de Talca. Does not, however, signs of exuberance over the news, consistent with the discretion that has historically operated against political issues. Although in recent days has neglected this low profile to take a far more visible role as an adherent to the candidacy of Senator DC. In the midst of multiple requests from the command officers, he assesses how the campaign will be added Frei to make more effective presence of one month's presidential election.
-After the CEP poll this week, the candidate of the Coalition seems to face a more complicated scenario. Can this to hurry their incorporation to campaign?
-Do not agree with the tone of the question. After the survey EPC clears any doubt who will go to second round: Frei and Piñera. Recently there is reordenara, because the-o and Arrate votes will mostly go to Frei. The real news is, then, that Frei and Piñera go to second round. I am sure that if the right had two candidates, Piñera would not have today most. This is going to unravel in the second round, in favour of Frei. [ /-] Continue reading...
Tribute to "Hawk" Felipe Camiroaga.
This morning at 8 by TVN in "Buenos days all" program which Felipe Camiroaga was the driver, a Chair was empty and his name was linked with the best memories and anecdotes of their compatriots.
The program began with a sequence of images that evokes their classmates who died in the tragic air accident: Sylvia Slier, Carolina Gatica, Rodrigo Cabezón, Robert the Bruce, and of course Felipe Camiroaga.
Who was in charge of the program and the hard work out on the screen was Julian Elfenbein "this chair is empty ... it has been the best entertainer of televison Chile." Were 17 minutes of pain, preceded by statements from the program director, Mauricio Correa and Juan Carlos "Tata" Diaz, who anticipated, "would be the most difficult chapter in 20 years" Among the entertainers were mourning his co-host Carolina Moras, Karen and historical Doggenweilrs Havia Jorge Mauricio Bustamante with a quintet made up of leaders of mourning.
After this 30 seconds of silence asked the Chilean people and the show continued .... Many Argentine artists expressed their regret at the death of Chilean driver, including Rocio Marengo wrote in his twitter: "Felipe will always be in my heart.'ll Be my angel, my favorite star in the sky!. Remember, the moments experienced , your advice, thank you "...
maritime Governor of Valparaíso ensures that the aircraft door was found at sea

Maritime Governor of Valparaíso ensures that the aircraft door was found in the sea captain, Otto Mrugalski, said that a door of the plane intact found at a distance of 2 thousand meters to the East of the runway of the Juan Fernandez island. In that place there is a depth of 54 metres.
The aircraft, carrying 21 people, which include Felipe Camiroaga animator and entrepreneur Philip Cubillos, brother of the current partner of the Minister of Defense, attempted to land twice without success in the Juan Fernández Island, whereupon he lost the trace.

I discovered today watching television. Philip (that nice name) is a man of those that are not found in any place. Felipe is SUMMER (500 days of summer) in male version and women us hard to believe it and envy given to men.
He is not gay, but it is so male that sometimes makes us doubt it. Camiroaga is a gentleman, fact and law, those that make us suffer with respect, up that after a time not so you can continue hating, because despite everything, it is a great person.
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